Enduring Power of Attorney

Make serious circumstances more manageable.

Appointing an enduring power of attorney while you are healthy and well, lets you choose someone you trust to make financial and/or personal and health decisions on your behalf, when you are no longer able to make them yourself.

Safe custody (long term storage) is offered free of charge for all our clients.

Situations where an enduring power of attorney are useful:
  • For Grandparents who are living alone in the family home. When they have lost mental capacity and really need to sell the home and move into a retirement home. They cannot sign the contract and no Justice of the Peace will witness the transfer form due to not knowing the family history or the Grandparent’s wishes
  • Where serious health and quality of life or passing decisions need to be made. You might be in a hospital bed with no possible chance of recovery and being kept alive by life support machines. A person holding power of attorney can ask for the life support to be turned off to prevent further suffering of the patient and their family
  • For healthy people travelling overseas who are unable to sign documents or attend to important financial matters

Having a valid power of attorney can deal quickly and easily with terrible situations such as losing mental capacity through diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s and make them more manageable. Your power of attorney can also help with simple tasks like your banking and picking up prescriptions, when you’re no longer able.