Wills & Estates

Will & Estate Lawyers You Can Trust

Protect your loved ones during difficult times.

Will Planning

Without a valid, legal will, the lives of your loved ones are at risk of financial ruin and family relationship chaos, if anything happens to you or changes in your life. So when your life circumstances change, your will needs to change too.

If any of the following events have recently taken place, take the time to book an appointment with us and review your will.

Life changes requiring new will/power of attorney:
  • Marriage, divorce or being widowed
  • Number of children you are legally responsible for increases or decreases
  • Financial circumstances change through job loss, injury, inheritance, asset sale or purchase (personal or business)
  • Your will is more than five years old

Our team of solicitors will tailor your will to your circumstances and safe custody (long term storage) of your will is offered free of charge for our clients.

Administering an Estate

When you are the executor administering the estate of a loved one who’s passed, it can sometimes be a frustrating and complicated process. From feuding executors, lost wills, to no will at all, we can guide you through this difficult time.
Our services will help reduce the risk of family tension and let you and those you love bring the ‘normal’ back to everyday life.