Photo Identification Cards for Seniors
Photo Identification Cards for Seniors who no longer have their licence are almost an essential item to have. If you’re an older person you might have a Taxi Card with photo identification but did you know that Queensland Transport or your relevant Transport Department, also offer a photo identification card The card is an easy way to identify yourself to businesses and government departments that need proof of who you are.

It can be disappointing to lose your licence because of a health issue or medical condition that you have no control over, but you can have control over maintaining your photo identification for the rest of your life. The best time to apply for the card is when you surrender your current driver’s licence or within two years of its cancellation.
Almost every organisation and government department you deal with will want some form of photo identification. Carers for older and disabled persons will also need to access services and businesses for you. A photo identification card from the Department of Transport and Main Roads Queensland is around $100 and it makes easy work of proving who you are. You’ll be able to open bank accounts, deal with government departments and work with professional services like accountants and solicitors easily.
If you have a current passport and you’re going to keep it current you’ve got your photo identification covered. But if you’re not travelling anymore maintaining a passport is expensive.
Principal Solicitor Leonie Davey says with the growth of the ageing population, Yeppoon Lawyers are seeing more clients who don’t have any photo identification documents.
“We have clients come in for Wills, Enduring Power of Attorney and to buy and sell property, and it gets quite stressful for them when they don’t have a driver’s licence and they need to identify themselves, many no longer have passports either.
“Sometimes they’re not sure where their other documents they need to identify themselves are, or if they even still have them. For clients that have held a driver’s licence, if they apply for a photo id as soon as they surrender the licence, the process is a lot easier. It’s less stressful because their licence will be less than two years old and their details and photo are current with transport authorities,” Leonie says.
Even having an Enduring Power of Attorney doesn’t guarantee they can work with businesses and government services. Often these organisations will want certified copies of the holder of the Enduring Power of Attorney identity documents and your Enduring Power of Attorney’s identification documents.
There are a few other things you’ll need to do to get your photo identification card:
5 Things you need to do when you’re applying for a photo identification card
- You might need your photo taken and you’ll have to remove your glasses
- Be at least 15 years of age
- Complete a photo identification card application
- Provide evidence of identity
- Pay the fee of around $80-100
A photo identification card is also a useful tool for those with a disability, for young people and for migrants who don’t want to or can’t hold a driver’s licence.
You can apply for photo identification cards for seniors in person at any transport and motoring customer service centre or Queensland Government Agency Program Office or police station that has driver’s licence facilities. If you live remotely, you might be able to apply by mail.
Applying for and obtaining a photo identification card ensures day to day life remains easy to navigate.
If you would like help with your legal matter or your loved ones’ legal matter contact Leonie Davey for an appointment on 07 4925 0229.