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Meet our Artist of the Month Ray Gleeson

Meet Yeppoon Lawyers Artist of the Month – Ray Gleeson. Our new exhibitor is a Central Queensland artist who creates vibrant landscapes. These artworks capture nature’s beauty through contemporary compositions. Ray’s award-winning work engages audiences by balancing realism and impressionism. They reveal nature’s intricate interplay of light and shadow in our region.


Boat Shed Stairs, $1000, makes you feel as though you could walk through the painting and right up those rickety stairs and past the rusting bolts and aging wood.

𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑱𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒚 is an impressionistic painting that captures the stunning fall of light and vibrant colors found in Yeppoon. This style of painting rewards the viewer with a different image when near vs far. This medium size piece is $700.

Yeppoon Jetty $1000 incorporates intricate details of jetty life right down to the jetty bolts, rust and colours of the Capricorn coast water. This large scale piece is $1000.

Ray was born in Bendigo, Central Victoria and he was fortunate to discover his talent for drawing as a child. At the age of 12 Ray started on watercolour paints and moved on to oil painting at 15. Ray has taken part in successful solo and joint exhibitions and received several awards.

In his day job, Ray’s experience includes roles as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Intensive Care, Nurse Educator, Critical Care Paramedic and Clinical Manager for the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS). Currently, Ray is an Intensive Care Paramedic Lecturer at CQUniversity, Rockhampton.

Ray has two adult children and now two young boys, having started a new chapter in his life with his new partner in Central Queensland.

You can find Ray Gleeson Art on Facebook, Tik Tok and Blue Thumb online gallery and at the Rockhampton River Festival from 26-28 July 2024. Ray welcomes commission work. Drop Ray a line at rayarygleeson@gmail.com.

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